The Internet has a great deal of valuable information but does NOT replace an eye examination or talking
with your doctor. It is important to be discriminating when "surfing the net" and to remember
that the information on some websites may not be accurate or may not apply to your specific condition or
Medical Sites

American Cancer Society
Health information, coping with cancer, new treatment and research, locate resources in your community.
Phone: 1-800-227-2345
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Encourages and assists research, training, publication and dissemination of knowledge in vision and
National Cancer Institute
The U.S. Government's primary agency for cancer research and information.
Phone: 1-800-4-CANCER
Eye Cancer Network
Educational, diagnostic and treatment information about ocular cancers.
National Eye Institute
The National Eye Institute (NEI), one of the Federal government's National Institutes of Health (NIH),
conducts and supports research that helps prevent and treat eye diseases and other disorders of vision.
The Website has health and research information in English and Spanish.
Phone: 301-496-3655
American Association of Ophthalmologists
The website of the professional association for eye doctors provides patient information and public
The Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study
General information about ocular melanoma and patient information about the clinical study.
SNG Prosthetic Eye Institute
Information about your visit to an Ocularist, fitting techniques and the care of artificial eyes
Phone: 1-800-972-1354
Visual Impairment Sites

Florida Division of Blind Services (DBS)
This agency provides vocational rehabilitation and employment services for visually impaired and blind
Florida residents. Services include school to work transition, job placement, counseling, vocational and
academic training, orientation and mobility training, personal and social adjustments services and talking
books services.
Phone: 1-800-342-1330
Lighthouse International
Worldwide organization provides resources on vision impairment and vision rehabilitation. Cataglog of
low-vision aids.
Phone: 1-800-829-0500
National Association of the Visually Handicapped
Dedicated to promoting an understanding of the difference between visual impairment and blindness.
Catalog of low vision aids and a lending library of large-print books.
Phone: 888-205-5951
Blind Links
Links to sites with information about adaptive technology, advocacy and training, books and magazines,
commercial sites, employment information, medical links and others.
Eye Resources on the Internet
Large resources list provided by the Association of Visual Science Librarians.
The Eye: Information About Vision Loss and Blindness
Information about many aspects of visual impairment and blindness including lists of national and
international organizations, adapative technology and low vision products.
Lost Eye
Support, information and helpful tips for people with one eye.

Journals are good sources for current, peer-reviewed research.